Tweezerman Cobalt Stainless Cuticle Nipper - Jaw 1/4

Withstands repeated sterilization without rusting or corroding. Cobalt Stainless
Features: Made of surgical quality Cobalt Stainless Steel. It will hold its cutting edge and not rust even when put in disinfecting solutions.
The blades meet and cut at the very tip. They close front to back with slight pressure.
The double spring is designed to operate smoothly and is guaranteed not to break.
How to Use: Cut hangnails. Push back cuticle and cut dead skin working around the nail. Do not use on acrylic nails.
Care: Keep the joint of the Nipper oiled. Use disinfectant with rust inhibitor. Do not use alcohol; it dulls the edges and corrodes the steel.
If Nipper joint sticks, put oil in joint and work back and forth. If rust appears, it's probably the oil oxidizing. Add more oil and wipe off excess.
Caution: This tool is sharp. Do not cut live skin.