Tweezerman Skin Care Tool

Thin angled loop to roll out mature whiteheads and a flat side to press out blackheads.
Features: Flat side works to gently roll out mature whiteheads. Angled loop is designed to press out blackheads. Solid Stainless Steel.
How to Use: First disinfect or sterilize tool. Use after steamy shower, facial sauna, or a hot towel to open pores.
For whiteheads: Wait until the whitehead breaks open the skin. Then gently roll the wire over the whitehead.
For blackheads: Press down the flat side directly over blackhead to gently remove. Disinfect area when finished.
Care: Clean with cotton and alcohol.
Warning: Do not squeeze out whiteheads or blackheads with your fingers. You can aggravate the problem and damage the skin.